(650) 941-7600 frontdesk@westcottpt.com


      Q: What can I expect of my first appointment at Westcott Physical Therapy?
      A: For your initial visit, you will receive a complete evaluation of your condition, including medical history, assessment and goals for therapy. Your therapist may also begin treatment or therapeutic activity with you, and begin development of an individualized home exercise program.

      Q: How long will my appointments be?
      A: Your appointments will be approximately 40 minutes. Please come 10 minutes early for your first appointment to allow time for paperwork.

      Q: What should I wear to my appointment?
      A: Please wear or bring with you comfortable clothing that you can move easily in. Tee shirts, sweats, shorts and workout clothes are ideal.

      Q: Do I need a doctor’s referral to come to physical therapy?
      A: In most cases, a doctor’s referral will be necessary for physical therapy treatment. We will gladly contact your insurance company for you to find out if this is the case.

      Q: How often will I need to come?
      A: Your written doctor’s referral may recommend a certain frequency and duration for your treatment. However, it is ultimately up to the discretion of the physical therapist after your initial evaluation, with common frequency beginning at one to two visits per week.

      Q: How much can I expect to pay for my therapy treatment?
      A: We will contact your insurance company on your behalf, and let you know at the time of your first appointment what your benefits will be. Any insurance co payments are due at each visit, as well as payment due for those coming to see us without benefit of insurance.

      Q: How early do I need to book my next appointment?
      A: Try and book your appointments a month in advance, as this will allow us to more easily accommodate your schedule. However, we do have cancellations and may be able to fit you in on any given day, so please feel free to call.

      Contact Us

      Have a question? Call us 650-941-7600 or just send us a message.

      We look forward to hearing from you!