(650) 941-7600 frontdesk@westcottpt.com



      Physical therapy is fundamentally a hands-on, manual treatment approach that is universally accepted as an appropriate treatment option for many joint or muscle-related injuries. It is the job of a physical therapist to not only treat symptoms such as pain, but to determine what is causing the pain in the first place. As “movement experts”, P.T.s are uniquely trained to assess posture and movement, and to then develop a treatment plan to assist in making the appropriate changes to the body to eliminate the painful dysfunction. By eliminating the “driver” of the symptoms, full recovery is a possibility. This “whole body” approach is what makes physical therapy an effective treatment option for all types of orthopedic problems.

      At WPT, we commonly treat patients with: Tendonitis, Arthritis, Joint Stiffness, Joint Sprains, Ligament/Tendon Tears, Frozen Shoulder, Knee Patellofemoral Syndrome, Low Back Pain, Fractures and more.


      Whether you are a weekend warrior or part of a team, a sports injury can be one of the most difficult things to endure. At Westcott Physical Therapy, we understand the frustration of sitting on the sidelines watching your team compete, or staying at home while your friends go off on a trail run. We understand that time is of the essence. We not only have the expertise to treat sports injuries, but we know the specific demands placed on an athlete by their coaches, their teammates, and themselves. Collaborating with your doctor, it is the goal of Westcott Physical Therapy to get you competing as soon as possible.

      At WPT, we commonly treat patients with: Joint Instability, Joint Sprains, Muscle Tears/Strains, Knee ACL/MCL Tears, Hip/Shoulder Labral Tears, Shoulder Impingement, Elbow Tendonitis, Hip Flexor Tendonitis and more.


      Most of us take for granted the ability to independently walk, eat, or get dressed. For many of us however, the reality of living in a body in which the brain and body do not communicate correctly can be a struggle. When the brain, spinal cord, or nerves in our body suffer a significant injury, paralysis, weakness, spasticity, and pain can result. While it is true that the brain and spinal cord cannot regenerate, some amount of recovery can occur. This is known as neuroplasticity. If an area of the brain suffers a stroke, the surrounding tissue can “pick up the load” to a certain extent. The surrounding neurons can take on the duties of the injured tissue. This is stimulated by repetition of appropriate movements and exercises. A physical therapist is uniquely qualified to establish a rehabilitation program to foster this healing process following such injuries as a stroke or traumatic brain injury. While adaptation to a post-injury body type is key, regaining function is possible, and should be pursued.

      At WPT, we commonly treat patients with: Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Ataxia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Peripheral Nerve Damage, Neuritis, and more.


      As parents, we want our children to grow up healthy and strong. We watch our children knowing what developmental milestones they should be reaching and we celebrate in their accomplishments. These milestones may be harder to reach for some children due to factors such as neuromuscular disorders, cognitive impairments, injury or disease. A pediatric physical therapist is a trained specialist in a child’s physical development. They are educated to recognize what factors may be influencing your child’s physical development, and ways to help your child achieve their fullest potential.

      At WPT Pediatrics, we treat infants through adolescents. We treat children with a wide variety of conditions, including (but not limited to):

      Developmental delay, hypotonia, torticollis, sports injuries, Osgood-Schlatter disease, cardiac anomalies, hemophilia, med/psych disorders, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome.

      Contact Us

      Have a question? Call us 650-941-7600 or just send us a message.

      We look forward to hearing from you!